Finding Prince Charming: Phase One

What an odd idea in a day and age when we learn through movies and TV that 'Prince Charming' just happens to appear in your life at the crossroad where you least expect. You just bump into them and then you 'know' that they are the one. You click in every way... perfectly matched... And it's all based on this feeling deep inside that confirms for both parties that they found the person that they will spend their 'Happily Ever After' with. And we watch, catching feelings as the conflict resolves and the movie comes to a close with the two lovers going into life, hand in hand forevermore...

Or we go out searching for the perfect Bachelor or Bachelorette with a selection of 12 to 15 to choose from. Based on first impressions, we give out roses and eliminate those that don't ft the mold we have created for 'Prince Charming'. Then, we find ourselves with the last 2 people out of the 15 where we have to select 1 and they have to chose us... And then it inevitably ends in sadness (or at least that's what the magazines say).

And then we finish our bowl of popcorn and slurp down the last of our Dr. Pepper. We look beside us to see our cat or dog and remember its just us tonight... alone in this world where hope and love are supposed to win out... where 'Happily Ever After' is just a fairy tale... And where love feels more like compromise than a perfect match...

Well... I'm too naive to accept that the fairy tale doesn't exist... So this is my beginning (and perhaps my downfall) This is where I begin my search. And I hope you'll join me in this adventure.

Step One to 'Finding Prince Charming' is to first become 'Prince Charming'

If I want there to be hope that others could find him, then I must first become him... So for Phase One I will begin trying to do these things...

1) Become more Endearing: That is that I must first 'inspire love and affection' if I hope to see love and affection around me. What is the old adage? "Be the change you wish to see in the world." The great thing is that this is who I am (at my core, anyways). I have always hoped to be and tried to be the guy that inspired positive change... If in every other area of my life, then why not in love?
2) Be Hopefull: Hopelessness is destructive in any form it takes. I don't want to become hopeless in this search, but instead I want my hopefulness to be endearing and light for others who might be seeking there own 'Prince Charming'. A lot of the people that I have spoken to have been disheartening, to say the least... they don't have hope that this kind of fairy tale love exists (And they may be right... but I'm not ready to accept that just yet...)
The second part of not losing hope is in the avenues that we use to seek love... the dating apps and sites can be so very disheartening (But near impossible not to use in today's age)... but I have to remember, if I am on them... maybe the one for me is on there too. Maybe they are searching just as I am searching... and we just haven't bumped into one another yet.
3) Be Honest and Bold: Don't try to hurt anyone (because that's petty and cruel), but you also can't be afraid to speak when you are not fully satisfied... And don't let others sway you if you know that your decision is what's right for you. Relationships are hard and finding the 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 (billion) is like winning the lottery, but just because the odds are stacked against you doesn't mean you shouldn't try... And it doesn't happen in a day... becoming the true you takes time, like a sculptor working on fine marble...

I conclude with this: You have to become the true you to be the 'Prince Charming' you need to be... And you need to find the 'Prince Charming' who has found themselves so that you know when the key unlocks the heart that they are the one true love... (Or this is all for naught... whatever...)

Initiate Phase One
